Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Being a Good Person in Christ
"As long as you are a good person then that should be all that matters".
I couldn't tell you how many times in my travels around the world and in the conversations I have had with non or 'pre' Christians, I have heard them say, "If I'm good then why do I need Christ?"
Ok so if you are a good person and that is ALL you need, my question would be this: Then what? What happens after you have been that 'good person doing good things in your life? What is next for you?
If you are truly a good person, then you must not have any bad in you right?
If you honestly believe this then I think you are just fooling yourself.
I say this because there is no such thing as a 'good person' without Christ because we are ALL sinners. If all it takes is being good, then Christ is a liar.
If you can prove to me that you are always good without having any malice, hate, jealously, anger, ego, pride, conceit, etc, none at all, ever, then maybe, just maybe, you are a good person.
Can you really say that you have never felt those emotions, or done something that was not exactly within the realm of “good”?
Well, I believe that this CANNOT be the case because we have ALL sinned.
This is why we need Christ. He is the only one who can truly help close the gap as far as our sinful nature. Being good is good, and doing good is great, but you cannot live separate from the grace of our Lord and Savior.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I have always strived to dedicate myself to work and have time with my family, and it is a constant balancing act. I decided when I first started Son Safaris that I did not want to sacrifice my family on the altar of ministry. In Ministry there is ALWAYS something more to do, and another goal to be reached. Ministry will always be there. It is really hard for me to not schedule that new important meeting or move that one-on-one meet with a student, because these are all important to the ministry. SO is my family. It is therefore extremely important for me to sync my calendar with my wife’s and place dates and times for V.F.T.
Without Christ and the support my family, I would never have become the man that I am today. I have to provide for them but I also wish to set a good Christian example. Brody and Keaton will grow into men one day and the first model of a man, husband, and father they will have is me, so it is my job to steer them in a direction that will hopefully guide who they will become, and my goal for them is to know Christ, and let Him be known. My family is a gift that I cherish above all others and my time with them is precious and of immense importance.
On that note, see you next week as I enjoy my V.F.T. – Valuable Family Time…
Paintball vs. Airsoft
Can a paintball enthusiast play airsoft? Tomorrow morning, I will find out, thanks to my good friend Sean Paul who has been hounding me for quite some time to try it. A rivalry exists between the two games, mostly due to the different types of ammunition used—in paintball, paint pellets and in airsoft, small, plastic pellets. The guns used in airsoft also vary from those used in paintball, those use in airsoft being more like real guns. If you would like to know more, click here!
I have been playing paintball with the Renegade Ratels for 6 years, but I didn’t have any interest in pursuing another form of shooting people on a field, until I realized that nothing should hold me back from trying new things. While I’m no young gun, I can certainly seek out and be open to new endeavors, as long as they are in keeping with my values and beliefs. I cannot wait to find out if airsoft is the fresh sport for me! Let’s see how it goes.
The Verdict:
My first airsoft experience this past Sunday was highly enjoyable and when I have some more time (and cash) on my hands, I would like to start getting more into it. The game itself was fun and family-oriented, with kids 12 years old and up, and even moms were playing, as medics, and of course, older guys, such as me. The concept of the game is the same as paintball, with the same rush of adrenaline, though much cleaner, in other words, no paint splattering everywhere. Also, one of my biggest frustrations with paintball had to do with my full-face mask, which would always fog up while I was playing and the de-fogging procedure exposed my face which is quite dangerous while playing. With airsoft, I can wear a mesh mask, or even small goggles which makes everything easier and a lot more fun. I had a blast with Sean Paul, and I look forward to playing in the future, and may be even forming a team for men’s ministry as a healthy way to get out all that male aggression, and can pray together and glorify God in all we do!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Ellijay Experience
I even got a positive review!
“We had Fledge for a one day event. He ministered to the whole church Sunday Morning and then ministered to the youth and children Sunday night. Let me tell you: His presentations were like a cool breeze on a summer's day. He helped us focus in on the beauty and greatness of creation. However, he didn't stop there--- he used creation to take us back to its majestic Creator and the wondrous Gospel message of Jesus Christ. I know that our hearts were touched!”
David Taffin - Youth Minister - Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
Once again, I would like to thank David for inviting me to speak, and the great congregation of Pleasant Grove Baptist for listening to me!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Speaking Engagment: Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
If you would like to hear me speak or would like to know more about the venue, here is the website which will have some helpful information
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
His Continued Love

In honor of Easter, I would like to share my own thoughts on Jesus Christ and His amazing gift to humanity with his sacrifice on the cross. The picture on the left is representative of the astounding relationship I have with the Lord, for truly I did not become a whole man until I found Him. I hold the hammer and the nail, and I know in my heart that I crucify the Lord every single day yet He continues to love me. Through that love, I have become a better man and person in countless ways. I truly was nothing before I found the Lord.
While we take the time to honor Christ during Easter for His sacrifice on the Cross, often times we fail to realize that He is still with us now. We see what He has done in the past, but my realization is what He is doing now in my life now, and most important for me is what He is GOING TO DO in the future.
(painting "Forgiven" by Thomas Blackshear III)