As a faith-based mission organization Son Safaris™ is not funded with grants or government monies. We are self-funded as the Lord brings the resources in. Fledge Fiamingo has been doing Son Safaris™ programs since 2005 but in August of 2009 Son Safaris™, Inc became a non-profit mission. We are truly excited about what the Lord is doing in this ministry and praise God for the opportunity to further his kingdom by leading the way in "Tracking the Lion of Judah". Fledge is devoting himself full-time to this ministry. We are in need of your help!
We need your prayers for this ministry. We need churches to become partners with Son Safaris™ both by scheduling programs and putting Son Safaris™ in their mission budgets. We need your help to financially support Son Safaris™. Fledge's desire is to provide ministry wherever needed without regard to ability to pay. That worthy goal cannot be accomplished without your gifts.
Please consider investing in this outreach. Your monthly gift of love is greatly needed and appreciated. Your contributions or gifts made to Son Safaris™ Inc. are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes (application pending). You are very important to us. Thank you for praying about being part of this exciting ministry.
Son Safaris™ Inc.
Board Members